Hi, Let’s elaborate the concept of Document change request form and procedure in detail.
As a Quality Engineer, if you are doing the documentation then it is important to know the QMS documents and procedures.
Now if you want the improvement in the documents, it is difficult or not acceptable to do the modification by you own. This is just because every organization is following certain guidelines and standards.
Therefore you must know the method how you can approach to the case, where you want to modify any document in the company.
It will also put your impression on the seniors that you are taking the part in the improvement and standardization in the company.
So, this article is explaining the complete document change procedure and how to fill the documentation form.
What is document change request?
When you need to modify any document in the organization for the purpose of improvement or need of change, then you should raise the Document Change Request to the responsible person, so that he can implement those change.
Why we do Document change request?
Every organization is work with a system and processes. Those system and processes are in placed in the form of documents and formats. In future instances lot of changes will be made to those documents and format as per need.
But it is not advisable to modify any document or format by anyone. Because it is a standardize process mandated by the ISO/IATF Quality Management standard.
There is a separate requirement of document control in an organization. How you are going to control the documents and records?
Therefore if any document or form you want to modify, there is a need of document change request. You can fill the document change form and submit to the QMS coordinator or any responsible person.
Then the person will implement the change and release the new document to you and update the document in the system or list of documents and formats.
Document Change Request Form Explain?
You can refer or download document change request form below,

What are the inputs and content in the form explained below,
DCR Date: Date of document change request initiated
DCR no: A unique number for the change request
Requestor: Who initiate the change request. Name of the person.
Old Doc/Format no. & Rev.: Each document and format given a unique number in the company. So, mention which document you want to modify and their current revision number.
New Doc/Format no. & Rev.: You can propose the new number is required or just want to make small change and revise the old format with the same number. It can be modified or updated after final release of document by the QMS coordinator or change responsible person.
Nature of change: Here you can explain what change you want to make in existing document. Write in detail or you can attached separate document of revise format to explain.
Reason of Change: Mention the reason, why you want the change? How it will help after implementing the change?. This will provide the good understanding and approve the change request.
Name & Sign of Requestor:
Name & Sign of Requestor Supervisor:
Then later other details to be filled by the responsible person who will implement the change.
QMS documents are modify by QMS coordinator only.
Some other cases any dedicated person is appointed for the process of control of documents.
The person can fill the form as below,
Review remark: Add the valuable remark about the change. This remark should be justification on the basis you will approve and not approve the change.
Approve/ Not Approve: Provide the status
Change implementation date:
Other impacted document/ format/ Work instruction revised: If any other documents or formats need to revise due to this change. Then mention those documents and their revision status.
Change description: Update the change description in short. What change is made.
Copy Distribution / communication: Communicate the respective team of the change so that they should not use the old or outdated document or format after change implementation.

I am a full time Engineer and Quality Professional with over 11+ years of experience in the automotive industry. My professional journey has started from a small enterprise quality inspector to a advanced quality expert. I am creating a good-quality content for engineers. Help them to grow in their career.Learn more here.