Special Processes – Surface treatment

Know about the special processes in industry, will be the great for our career. So we must have the knowledge of these special processes.


Know about the special processes in industry, will be the great for our career. As we see the surface treatment is the common process on all bare metal components before going to end user. either it will be done by OEM’s or by tier II suppliers. So we must have the knowledge of these processes.

List of Special processes

What are surface treatment processes?

  • Plating
  • CED coating
  • Powder coating
  • Buffing/mirror finishing
  • Shot blasting
  • Painting

Why surface treatment?

So surface treatment is basically divided into two purpose/ major categories one is to cover the surface and other is to alter the surface. Therefore the answer for why surface treatment is

1- To improve aesthetics
2- To improve corrosion resistance
3- To control friction & wear
4- To change physical properties
5- To improve the hardness

Corrosion is a reaction between a metal and it’s environment, and both are
important in the process

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