Procedure of training needs, awareness and competency is crucial in every organization.
According to IATF 16949:2016 clause 7.2.1 organization should identify the training needs, provide awareness and build the competency of the people for effective product and process improvement in an organization.
As it is a mandatory process as per QMS standards guidelines, every organization should incorporate it into their QMS guidelines and procedures.
Let’s deep dive into the topic and procedure below,

Why training need required?
Day-by-day the high skilled jobs are increasing. For global competition achieving multiple skillset is important due to lack of consideration for low level skill employment.
This will impact organizational business growth as well. Therefore there is a need of management initiative for competency mapping and try to increase the skills of an employee to serve the global clients work.
Also if you see there is new technology introduced in the manufacturing world. To adapt the new technology and machines, employee must be trained to do work effectively.
So, the training need identification will provide complete competency mapping and which training is needed to whom.
Procedure of training needs awareness and competency

1.0 Purpose:
To established a process of identifying training need of an employee, plan training programs and evaluate the effectiveness of the training.
[It is the statement shows actual purpose of this procedure]
2.0 Scope:
This procedure is applicable to all employee involved in the process and/or affect the product quality in organization.
[It is the scope of our procedure]
3.0 Users or Responsibility:
- Training Section Head: Responsible for conduct and co-ordinate all training related activities.
- Department Heads/Section Concerned: Responsible to consider training effectiveness.
- QMS coordinator / Human Resource / Department Heads: Responsible to maintain training records and update skill matrix.
- HR: Responsible for conducting induction training for new employee.
4.0 Definition / Abbreviation
5.0 Procedure of training needs awareness and competency:
Training Needs Identification
- With reference to skill matrix, Management or Department Heads identify the training needs for all level employees. This will helps to enhanced employee skill and knowledge in required area.
- HR communication made for training request according to training need identification further.
Training Plan
- HR will create a training calendar for the complete year for centralized training. All trainings sessions will conduct according to annual training plan.
- Department/section Head must prepared a training plan as per training need identified and communication made to training section along with training request form.
- This Needs Training Plan is circulated by HR to all department heads. Considering the training sessions will arrange by Training section either external or internal, same communicated through training plan containing Topic, Faculty, Date, Time, Department, Location, etc.
Conduct Training
- Training Section are conducting all trainings according to training plan.
- HR and training department will provide induction training to all newly join employees. Technical topics in the induction covered by respective subject matter expert within the function.
- Quality policy, objectives, safety and other mandatory procedures communicated through induction if required.
- Training conducted at in-house or by external training faculty depends on the requirement from training need.
- Training records maintained by HR department and respective department heads.
Training Effectiveness
- Department heads are responsible for training effectiveness evaluation process. Each individual is evaluated by the HOD after achieving the results of their work performed. Department heads later update the skill matrix accordingly.
- Supervisor and higher level employee must go through identified need based training programs.
- Operator level employee must undergone through on-the-job trainings before work started.
On-The-Job Training
On-the-job training are conducted with supervision activity, training topics covered as follows,
- Product knowledge
- Process knowledge
- Customer Product requirements
- Safety Instructions and importance
- Work instructions and procedures
6.0 Reference documents
- IATF 16949:2016 Standard
- ISO 9001:2015
- Quality Policy
- Quality Manual
- Training Manuals
7.0 Records
XX-XX-XXX | Induction Training Record |
XX-XX-XXX | Training Request |
XX-XX-XXX | Training Feedback Form |
XX-XX-XXX | Skill-Matrix |
XX-XX-XXX | Employee Training Record |
XX-XX-XXX | Annual Training Plan |
8.0 Change History
Rev. No. | Rev. Date | Description | Done By | Approved by |
00 | XX.XX.XXXX | Training Need, Awareness and Competency Procedure released | Mr. John | Mr. Michael |
Procedure of training needs awareness and competency download

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