New AIAG APQP 3rd Edition 2024

New AIAG APQP 3rd edition manual set to release. If you read this article later by then the manual is available and released. There are a lot of changes expected in the new version of APQP.

AIAG means (Automotive Industry Action Group)

The Product Development Process is the backbone of every organization and it defines how you developed your product in this competitive world.

Also, it ensures to meet the customer expectation of your new product and it stands in the industry as a good quality and reliable product.

This new AIAG APQP 3rd edition manual will take care of all these challenges and give us well established guidelines to make more robust product development.

Let’s understand everything about new APQP edition.

New apqp 3rd edition available and release in march 2024

Which is the latest Edition of APQP?

According to AIAG communication, Latest APQP 3rd edition is the latest release of manual and the anticipated release date of new AIAG APQP 3rd edition manual is March 1, 2024.

Why is there a need for revised AIAG APQP Manual?

The old APQP 2nd edition was released way long back Jul-2008. Till date there are lot of lesson leaned from many OEM’s and Top Suppliers. Also nowadays the technology got evolved and automotive system become more and more complex.

Our product development processes need to evolve along the way therefore there is a need of revision of this new APQP 3rd edition.

When the release of APQP 3rd edition manual?

APQP 3rd edition manual is set to release on 1st March, 2024.

What are the major changes in APQP 3rd Edition 2024

Most noticeable change in the APQP 3rd edition are towards more robust managerial activities. Which includes Risk analysis and risk mitigation, change management, APQP Program Metrics, Leadership support and involvement, review of lesson learned and best practices along with gate management system which typically as gate review system.

Before it is considered as product development methodology but now it must be the complete governance framework for development.

One more major change is to separate out control plan from APQP manual. Before there was one common manual for APQP and Control plan method, but now AIAG separate it out to two new manuals.

– APQP 3rd Edition 

– Control Plan 1st Edition

Sourcing section along with sourcing checklist incorporated in new manual.

Part Traceability content added and give importance to it.

It is also applicable for the EV industry considering the framework and suitable conditions.

When new APQP manual is accepted and transition from the old one?

As per AIAG, It is agreed with Ford, GM motors and Stellantis, they will accept this new APQP and control plan manual and methodology immediate after release by AIAG. There are no conflict between the documents and requirements.

What is difference between 2nd edition and 3rd edition of APQP

As APQP 3rd edition yet to release therefore the exact difference between both revisions awaited.

No official communication release on this.

APQP 3rd Edition Manual Download

You can apply for the Manual on AIAG official website and apply for Prerelease copy or new copy after 1st March 2024.

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