In this post, we will see in detail the project planning in AIAG-VDA Methodology, which we call as 5T method. Let’s dive into 5T in FMEA.
5T is the five points discussed before starting the DFMEA or PFMEA.
Why do we do project planning using 5T method?
Basically, project planning is the initial kick-start activity in FMEA. We do project planning using 5T method for the first time right FMEA within timeline and avoid FMEA mistakes.
What are the 5T in the AIAG-VDA FMEA?
- InTent
- Timing
- Team
- Task
- Tool
Write exactly what your intent is for doing the FMEA study.

Ask the questions to the team “Why are we here?” Why we are doing FMEA?” “What is our mission statement?”.
In answer, you will get the exact FMEA InTent. Here are some examples below.
FMEA InTent |
Develop an FMEA for ___XYZ___ Product |
Identify the failure modes & their risk associated with ___XYZ___ product. |
Develop a test procedure to validate the ___XYZ___ product. |
Avoid the late changes in the product development. |
Develop a product with first-time right approach. Defect-free product launch. |
Comply with all regulation and standards requirements for the ___XYZ___ product. |
Reduce customer claims and warranty / field failures. |
Create a failure prevention and detection database to incorporate all lesson learns etc. |
FMEA Timing
As we all know FMEA is one of the failure prevention methodology. Therefore, FMEA is created before the product and process launch, i.e. in the early stages of development.

So, in the FMEA Timing you have a questions, “By when FMEA should be completed?” How much time do we have for FMEA completion?“
In answer, you have the exact dates and Timing.
Actually, you should consider the development plan. In the plan, there are stages as per APQP guidelines as below.
Usually, FMEA starts in Product design and development and is completed at the product and process validation stage.

FMEA Timing | Guide to When FMEA Should be Completed?
It is important to have a correct team for the FMEA activity. So, we need multi-disciplinary team (MDT)/cross-functional team (CFT) for the FMEA activity.

The team should include the members who influence the product and process. The key members from all functions such as, Design, Process/Manufacturing, Engineering, Quality, Production, Purchasing, Maintenence, and other experts responsible for product development.
Also one of the key person is the FMEA moderator/facilitator. This is the person who has good knowledge and expertise in the FMEA methodology.
The FMEA facilitator/moderator will coordinate with the team, plan meetings, and update the FMEA.
In the Task, we need to define “What work we need to be done?”.

So in general, what deliverables do we have in FMEA? Those deliverables will be as an output of FMEA. And in the future, it will be used as documentation, also it will be audited by internal, external, or customers.
We have 7 steps methodology in AIAG-VDA FMEA and each step has some deliverables. For example – Structure, Functions, Failures, Risks, Actions, etc.
Here the Tool means “How we do FMEA?”
Now in industry, there are many FMEA software available, some organizations are using the software or spreadsheets to create the FMEA.

So you need to decide how you are gonna do the FMEA? using some software or some specific spreadsheet. You can use any one of the tool for FMEA creation.
FMEA 5T file download in Excel

5T in FMEA is basically the five points such as InTent, Timing, Team, Task, and Tools. Those 5T are the key points in the project planning stage before starting DFMEA and PFMEA.
- FMEA inTent: Why we are doing FMEA?
- FMEA Timing: What is FMEA timeline? when to start and end? Dates.
- FMEA Team: Who are in the CFT team for FMEA creation?
- FMEA Task: What are the inputs & outputs from FMEA?
- FMEA Tool: How we will do FMEA? Either software/spreadsheet etc.

I am a full time Engineer and Quality Professional with over 11+ years of experience in the automotive industry. My professional journey has started from a small enterprise quality inspector to a advanced quality expert. I am creating a good-quality content for engineers. Help them to grow in their career.Learn more here.