Types of Control Chart

Next, we will touch on the types of charts, Selection of control charts And details of each type of chart Let’s dive in..

There are 7 Types of control charts

1. Xbar-R chart

3. I-MR chart

2. Xbar-S chart

4. P chart

6. U chart

5. np chart

7. C chart

Here we need to find out the special cause present in the process. So that we can take action on that causes and bring our process within control limit.

X-bar chart

Xbar = Sample Average ( X̅ )


From the chart, we need to find out the common cause / special cause present in the process. So that we can take action on that causes and improve our process.

X-bar S-chart

The Xbar-S chart is the same as the Xbar-R chart. Here Standard deviation (S) is calculated for the S chart and plotted the same in the graph.

I-MR chart

I-Chart: Individual chart used for monitoring the individual points measured in the process.

MR Chart: Moving range chart is the difference between each individual measurement.


P chart is an attribute data type control chart. P-chart is the percentage of defective units not-ok. For defective and sample size is the same or may vary.


np chart is an attribute data type control chart. np-chart is the number of defective units not ok. For defective, sample size is fixed.


u chart is an attribute data type control chart. u-chart is the number of defect of unit non-ok. u-chart is the number of defects of unit non-ok.


c chart is an attribute data type control chart. In this chart, the sample size is fixed.xed. unit non-ok. In this chart samples size is fixed.

Read complete guide on control chart and its types..

Let's dive into the control chart 101...
